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Light Workers

By Victor M Fontane

There are lots of people in this planet, spiritual teachers, religious teachers, New Age teachers and many others bringing different and even ancient teaching to this modern world in times of confusion and even chaos, studying, teaching, working and sharing their knowledge and experiences with others trying to change the same discourse that we are being handling for centuries about mostly religion to answer the core questions of where are we coming from, why were here and where are we going.

However, most teachers called themselves “prayer warriors, warriors of the light”, etc. and I personally prefer to call them and even myself “workers of the light”. Warrior means “(especially in former times) a brave or experienced soldier or fighter” and related to war, killing, defeating, etc.

The perfect prayer for a ‘worker of the light is”:

Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti.

Lead us from the unreal to the real

Lead us from darkness onto light

Lead us from death to immortality

Om peace, peace, peace.

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