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Life After Death

By Victor M Fontane

Death or the cessation of existence, destruction, etc. is not real.

- The disintegration of the components of the body is the result of the completion of karma.

- The electromagnetic links that unite the particles are the product of karma and those particles are alive and conscious, from the cell to the smallest particle that exists in its composition.

- These particles are made up of the five elements (Earth, Fire, Water, Air and Space or Ether) who actually are living and intelligent forces.

- After death the elements that make up the physical body are reintegrated into nature to form new components and forms of life.

- The human being as well as the rest of the life in this planet is not only the physical body or the external Cortex.

Composition of a human body.

Bodies or Wraps:

- Each of our bodies is made up of particles in different degrees of density corresponding to the planes of consciousness and existence where they operate.

- These vehicles are active all the time but because we focus during the waking state (awake) only on the physical body, we are not aware of their existence.

- At the moment of death as the components of the physical body are released and disintegrated to return to nature in the same way it happens with the astral body, responsible for the maintenance of the physical body.

- Not existing vehicles that allow action on the astral and physical plane, it is impossible for the deceased to contact those who remain on the physical plane.

- Then there is no death, it is just a change in density and "location". No one ceases to exist or is destroyed so we must change the word death to transition.

Purposes and causes.

- The Universe is a child of necessity.

- The Universe is designed so that the incarnating units go through the necessary experiences according to collective and individual karma.

- All incarnating units living in a galaxy, a solar system, planet, continent, country, city, family, and other relationships share a common karma.

- The karmic process causes us to experience life in all realms. The movement is an ascending spiral that goes from the most primitive forms of consciousness to the state of divinity.

- All the particles that conform each and every one of the planes will become human beings and eventually gods (ascended beings).

- All the particles in our physical body, since limitless time, are karmically related to us and our responsibility is to elevate them.

Longevity and Karma.

- The four compartments of longevity

Balarishta 0-12 years

Alpayus. 13-36 years

Madhyayus. 37-72 years

Dirgayus. 72-108 years +

Dying Signals.

- The Vedic concept of Mahakala. Signals start 6 months early.

- Prana leaving the body

- Physical signals:

Changes in weight.

Alteration in the color of the skin and facial features.

Loss of energy and desire to live.

-Destruction of the five elements.

Earth - mirage vision

Water - smoke or vapor vision

Fire - vision of sparks of fire

Air - vision of flame extinguishing

- With the cessation of air the person stops breathing but has not yet left the body.

After the extinction of the elements and their corresponding consciousnesses, the most subtle consciousnesses and winds remains to be absorbed. Then continue:

- The vision of white light.

- The vision of the twilight light.

- The vision of darkness.

- The vision of the Clear Light.

After leaving the physical body we inhabit for a time in the astral realm corresponding to our states of consciousness.

This is the best time to guide the person which should be done according to their belief system.

Oral or mental instructions such as:

- You must not fear

- Seek assistance or guidance from your Teacher or Guide

- Those who remain will be fine

- do not look back

-The scream, cry and claims of people only increases the pain to the deceased and makes their transition more difficult. The ideal is not to disturb the body for an hour, preferably three days.

-At that moment the deceased can be instructed on the visions that he will have.

-While on the astral plane prayers and acts of remembrance are useful.

-In this state we have two types of visions, those projected by our mind and encounters with beings and energies that are on the astral plane.

-The concept of heaven and hell are only states of consciousness.

-Most people die in a state of confusion and fear, therefore they cannot recognize the nature of the visions.

-Some deceased, because of their attachments, seek to maintain contact with those who remained on the physical plane and even visit the places to which they became attached.

-The deceased will remain on the astral plane depending on the level of his passions.

-On the astral plane the deceased has access to the mental and emotional states of their loved ones.

-After the astral body is dissolved, the mental or causal body enters the corresponding mental plane. The subtle mind creates a reality related to their belief systems.

-This time is a period of compensation and rest where there is no contact with the physical plane with some exceptions.

-The time for the new child incarnation is not fixed and depends on how long takes the conditions for karma to operate.

We practice death every night without knowing it because is unconscious. The clue is consciously practice death every night in order to be aware and conscious in the moment of the transition or transformation.

Om tat sat

(Om - The sound or Brahman or God as vibration. Tat - 'That' which is the beautiful and loving, full of qualities, the Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent and Kutastha (that which remains unchanged) Saguna Brahman. Sat - 'truth' which the indescribable Absolute Truth or Sivam or Nirguna Brahman. Basically all three are same - Brahman ... just desribed differently).

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