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Law’s of Life, Teachings of Maytreya (Next Avatar)

By Victor M Fontane

Being and becoming are two modalities. Being is unchanging, whereas becoming is a process in time and space. Man in his Being, is the Self, in his becoming , he is the soul - the reflection of the Self. Mind, spirit and body are the temples of the Lord which man inhabits. Spirit is Shiv-shakti, which is energy. Mind is Brahma, which is thought-formation and Body is Prakriti which is material substance and can also be thought of as material activity. These terms can be thought of as nouns, but they can also be thought of as movement or processes.

The destiny of the Self is to be free. Considered in its freedom, in its Being, it is called Atman. Within the limitations of time and space, in its becoming, it is the soul or Jiva.

The Self is not energy (Shiv-shakti, spirit); the Self is not thought-formation (Brahma, or mind); the Self is not material activity (Prakriti, the body). The destiny of the Self is to enter and leave these temples of the Lord at will.

Detachment is the process whereby ceases to identify with the body (material aspect), with the mind (thought aspect) and with spirit (energy or power aspect). Thus, he comes to know and be his real Self.

Any action you perform should be done according to these three principles: honesty of mind, sincerity of spirit and detachment. Any action performed with dishonesty of mind, an insincere spirit and attachment is destructive.

If a person is overpowered by Shiv-shakti, he can perform miracles. Yet, the person looks withdrawn, blank. If a person is overpowered by Brahma, he can be a philosopher, but he can be imprisoned in that thought-formation.

When we consider the trinity, as Brahma, Vishnu (the sustaining aspect) and Shiva, it is also possible for a person to be overpowered by the Vishnu aspect. He can give, and give generously, perhaps become a saint, but that, too, can be a prison. During the sixties, hippies responded to the Vishnu aspect. They were disillusioned with power (Shiv-shakti) and mind (Brahma).

When the mid is quiet, free from dogmatic views, it will absorb the truth. “If you want to test the truth of anything, speak with a child”.

The mind, spirit and body are like elements of nature. They do not change. “God created the entire universe, in which He placed mind, spirit and body for the Self to realize the Being and becoming of the Lord”. The one who changes through experiences is the Self.

If you use this mirror to look at the religions of the world, you will see they are based on the personal experiences of the prophets, gurus, saints, etc. When people follow them they are bound to experience suffering, because they are not following their own Self. If you close your eyes and allow someone else to lead you, you are bound to stumble.

“Self-realization is God-realization”. Self-realization has nothing to do with religion, politics or any form of ideology.

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