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Law of Hierarchy

By Jose N Garcia (Vedic Astrologist)

There is a law that operates in all kingdoms and is called the Law of Hierarchy. It is the result of the Law of Evolution.

All organisms found on this planet, even the so-called "inorganic matter", have gone through a process of transformation to become something more efficient to guarantee their permanence or subsistence.  Based on this same principle we can say, as affirmed by all the philosophical schools of the past, that those Beings that today we call Angels, Archangels, Devas, Dhyani Budhas, Planetary Spirits etc.  gained their position in previous universes but this process of evolution never ends because in the relative plane nothing can be absolutely perfect.

When the time comes for the awakening of a System, that will be the scene for the karmic drama, those who reached their highest evolution in the previous cycle will appear first.  These are the Builders, who mold the Cosmic Matter in different degrees of density to satisfy the needs of the units that will inhabit it.  Once prepared, the karmic scenario, the divine seeds and spark that we are will appear, because we are emanated, not created, we are all gods.  The humanities will begin their development where they left it in the previous Universe, because nothing is lost.  These Beings are gods to us just as we were gods to the bacteria in yogurt, but just as we are not perfect and we are evolving, so are our builders.

For all ancient schools, God is not a person with human attributes but that which Underlies and sustains the manifestation.  It has no attributes. Because it is not a thing or a being  we can not describe it or name it.  It is the Ain Soph of the Kabbalists, the Brahman of the Vedantins, the Paramartha of the Buddhists, the Absolute, that which remains in the presence and absence of a Universe and as it is said in the Vedanta "to qualify him it is to denigrate it" it’s only that can be experienced when we transcend the mind since the finite mind can not comprehend the INFINITE.

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