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Karma in Our Daily Life

By Victor M Fontane

Lord Buddha, after enlightened taught his disciples about the law of Karma and that we humans commit karma through the three doors, thought, speech and physical actions. So, when we face any experience that is actually a consequence or response of our past actions, familiar, social, political, financial, etc., first is important to recognize that we are the one responsible for that experience, we like it or not. Second, is a lesson we need to learn and resolve, not to fight, and doing so we clean the negative karmic seeds accumulated for countless time that don’t allows us to advance in our spiritual path. Third, be mindful of not creating new karma through the three doors, thoughts, speech and actions that ultimately we are going to face in future life’s slowing down our spiritual growth. Fourth and last, every time someone causes you any harm personal or collectively, even your enemy, will create karma and the consequences of his actions will hunt him forever until is solved.

Best example, is The Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, who is a Boddhisattva of compassion and who after the Chinese invasion on Tibet in 1959, loosing his country and forced to live in exile in India it’s being always trying to solve the situation with China and recover his country in peaceful ways.

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