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Karma and Reincarnation, How long do I live?

By Victor M Fontane

When and where I’m going to be born, how my life is going to be, how do I will grow old and when and where I going to die?. These are questions about things that we never asked to ourselves although they will inevitably happen.

The answer to these question is karma. We are born when all the conditions are gathered and in the place to face the consequences our past actions, including the people involved and the situations or experiences related to those actions. That includes studies, careers, relationships, family, illnesses and death. We have so much karma accumulated in innumerable incarnations that we deal with an amount of karma according to our span of life in each incarnation. In this way, we will live long enough to have particular karmic experiences. In the next incarnations we will continue working on other accumulated experiences. For this reason, some live short lives because they quickly eliminated karma and others long lives because they need more time to work the assigned karma in that life.

The clue is to educate ourselves, perform the spiritual practices needed and resolve, without creating new karma, the corresponding karmic experience to one day, with no karmic seeds, get enlighten achieving our highest human potential.

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