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Karma and Birth

By Victor M Fontane

When a spirit comes to this physical world or realm to be a human being, it brings with him all the karma and memories from past life, so parents are the key and gate that opens to this new reality. During their early age they are able to remember and even recognize acquaintances, family, etc. but parents, and society in general block those memories inserting what they believe is right and important. Sometimes your baby knows more about you than yourself. Most parents teach them how to name things, people, etc. like call your grandmother, grandma, abu and many other names killing their spontaneity and those memories that allows to relate to people.

In my personal case two grandkids called me, Baba and Iya. Baba means in Parsi (ancient language in India and Persia) father, grandfather, wise old man. Iya means mother, maternal, motherhood, etc. in Yoruba which are an ethnic group that inhabits western Africa, mainly Nigeria, Benin, Togo and part of Ghana. It’s possible that we were related in past life as they recognized me now as grandfather and mother. Thus, our responsibility as gatekeepers of the spirit is to guide them not block or force them to be what we want and think. Anyway, his life will be all karma.

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