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It’s possible to read others people’s mind?

By Victor M Fontane

The mind has its language and this language can be seen in the actions of a person’s body by observing a person’s eye-lids the way they work and their activities one can understand what is going on in their mind and based on this we can know others thoughts. You can understand anyone’s thoughts but before that you need to work on yourself, you have to calm your mind and bring your mind to the present. When you focus your mind and merge your mind into the present you can understand other’s thoughts because that person in thinking in the present. If we are thinking in the past there is no way to synchronize that thinking.

Three techniques that mastered allows you to know other people’s feelings and thoughts.

  1. Pay attention to the eyes. Eyes don’t speak but they say a lot if we learn to understand the signals in a person’s eyes we can know what is going on in their mind. We should focus on their eyes such as their gaze, where they are looking and in what direction if their eyes are wandering here and there when you’re talking to them which means they are searching for a way to scape from the conversation, someone might be lying if the person is avoiding direct eye contact but if their eyes look at you without moving they are probably honest and interested. Also see how their eyebrows move, if they go down while they look away  they might be thinking hard or worried about something else. If the eyebrows go up and their eyes get big they might be surprised or curious about what you say. Also, see how big or small their pupils are. If they get bigger it means they likes you, they are excited about what sou say or happy but if the pupils get smaller it means they don’t like you or what you say, are uncomfortable or angry. Check how red or white their eyes are, red means they are tired, stressed or sick and might not want to talk to you.

  2. Facial expressions. The face is like a picture that shows what people are feeling inside even if they don’t say anything. If you want to understand people better you have to pay attention to these silent signs. When you see someone whose mouth turns down at the sides making a small sad face it usually means they are unhappy, not pleased or have lost something. When the cheeks go up is a sign of happiness, friendliness and kindness.

  3. Understand hand gestures and body language. When a person speaks they keep moving their hands and making gestures, they taps their fingers fast while talking to you. When fingers make a quick sound on something it mea they are bored, in a hurry or want to end the talk soon. Closed arms, moving the body, etc. can be signs of different emotional states and thought that you can decipher.

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