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Is God Real?

By Victor M Fontane

When the Spanish arrived in America, the representatives of the Church of Rome told the natives: “we bring you God so that you no longer worship the Sun and the natives responded, friend, the Sun is real.”

So religions created the idea of ​​a God, an all-powerful being, outside the Universe, who created everything and rules based on certain commands that, in fact, apply only to humans, only 0.01% of all sentients beings in the planet, rewarding those who follow the rules with eternal life in an imaginary heaven but punishing those who break the rules with an imaginary hell, concepts not proven by science or any other logical method.

These religious concepts originated and were imposed approximately two thousand years ago, even though humans appeared on the planet approximately six million years ago.

However, the first quantum leap in human evolution occurred when he became aware of himself and will have another when he discovers his own divinity to reach his full human potential.

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