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Humans Run on Solar Power

Humans run on solar power. What does that mean? Those who practice Yoga, especially Prānāyāma know that our physical body is made basically of what we eat and drink but the energy that fills the body comes from the sun, “Prana”. This energy enters the body through the nostrils trough three main channels in our subtle body, Ida Nadi, left side, Shushumna Nadi, center connecting the main seven chakras out of the 114 chakras in the body and Pingala Nadi right side and is distributed to the rest of the body throughout 72 thousand more channels. Prānāyāma exercise is a breath control practice to balance the energy in our body. The ancient Vedas or Hindu Scriptures explains this in detail.

As an analogy, houses that run on solar power store electricity during daylight but at night either use supply from their electric company or has battery backup. Humans should work and be active just at daylight and rest after sunset as the energy is depleted in the physical and mental body. When younger one will not probably see a difference but the consequences are paid later in life.

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