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How to Rate a Restaurant

By Victor M Fontane

Food Appearance

  • Color and color combinations.

  • Sizes and shapes of ingredients.

  • Visual attractiveness.

  • Eye appeal.

  • Signs of freshness.

Aroma - The smell or aroma such as tangy, herby, earthy, etc.

Taste - The basic sweet, sour, bitter, salty and umami tastes.

Texture and consistency - The qualities felt with the finger, tongue, palate or teeth.

Temperature - Knowing the right temperature to serve dishes such as hot, cold and room temperature.


Preparation procedure - Some restaurant offers fried food only, others has more alternatives like baked, grilled, etc.

All this depends on the kitchen.

Cleanliness in the dining area and bathrooms as well, noise levels on music and type of music if there is background entertainment and conversations.

Waiter attention and knowledge of the menu and response time.

Price - are you receiving what you want and reasonable amounts for what you are paying?

Last but not least, Are you willing to come back to the same place?

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