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How to Heal the World

By Victor M Fontane

Humans are made of stardust, the atoms of our body were made in the crucible of burning stars. However, even though we are the movement of the Universe looking at itself through our eyes and the viewing platform is the brain and children are extraordinarily bright at understanding that until they are brainwashed into changing that natural wisdom with which they come to this life like the rest of us. If people are able to understand that, they will feel holy. But since medieval times we have created a notion of separation from the whole and this separate self is a hallucination and the cause of all human suffering.

How to correct that? In short, it is to return to innocence, to deconstruct our mental models that had been handed down to us since the Middle Ages, reinforcing the separation of everything that exists and that causes climate change, the extinction of species, the poisoning of the food chain, the destruction of the ecosystem, the mechanized ways of killing each other and ourselves. Personal and collective transformation to create a critical mass to be like the stars that see themselves through countless eyes. - Deepak Chopra

We are led to believe a lie

When we see not thro' the eye,

Which was born in a night to perish in a night,

When the soul slept in beams of light”.

William Blake

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