By Victor M Fontane
Anāthapiṇḍika, the great lay disciple, a merchant of immense generosity, heard that a Buddha had arisen in the world. Without delay, he set out to meet the Blessed One, and upon hearing his teaching, his heart was moved. He became a devoted supporter, offering vast wealth to construct Jetavana Monastery—a place where monks could train, where the Dharma could be preserved, and where beings could come to hear the teachings that lead to liberation.
The monastery was built at great expense, not out of vanity, but because Anāthapiṇḍika knew that the Sangha needed a refuge—a place where wisdom could take root undisturbed by the chaos of the world. The Buddha, seeing the gift given with a pure heart, accepted the monastery and spoke of the benefits:
• A monastery protects from heat and cold, from wild beasts and creeping things.
• It shelters the monks, allowing them to study and practice in peace.
• It is a place where wisdom is cultivated, where those who seek the path can find guidance.
• And above all, it is a place where the Truth is taught, where suffering is understood, where beings can encounter the Dharma that sets them free.
The dedication of Jetavana was not a simple act of charity; it was an act of profound understanding. Anāthapiṇḍika was not just giving wealth—he was ensuring that the light of wisdom would continue to burn in the world.
The Five Hundred Merchants and the Power of Truth
One day, Anāthapiṇḍika invited five hundred merchants, his friends, to meet the Buddha. They brought perfumes, garlands, cloth, and medicine, honoring the Blessed One with great respect. The Buddha, radiant as the full moon, received them and spoke to them of the Dharma. Upon hearing his words, their minds were stirred. They abandoned their previous misguided views and took refuge in the Three Jewels—the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha.
But faith, when shallow, can be shaken.
The Buddha left for Rājagaha, and without his direct presence, the merchants faltered. They returned to their old ways, drawn back into the comfort of their former beliefs. When the Buddha returned months later, Anāthapiṇḍika brought them before him again, seeking clarity.
The Buddha, knowing their hearts, asked them directly:
“Is it true that you have abandoned the Three Jewels and placed your trust elsewhere?”
Ashamed, they admitted it.
Then the Buddha, with the power of a voice honed through countless lives, cut through their delusion.
“In all the worlds, in all the realms of existence, there is none greater than a Buddha in wisdom and compassion. There is no refuge beyond the Three Jewels that leads to freedom from suffering.”
He spoke of the qualities of the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha—not as mere ideas, but as the very foundation of awakening. He told them plainly:
• Those who take refuge in wisdom will not fall into suffering.
• Those who hold to the truth will not be lost.
• Those who stay with the Dharma will not descend into confusion and despair.
The merchants, hearing this, understood. Once again, they took refuge. But this time, they held it firmly.
The Desert and the Demon: A Parable of Discernment
To make the lesson clear, the Buddha told a story of the past:
Once, in a distant time, there were two merchant caravans, each with five hundred carts, setting out on a journey across a vast and dangerous desert. The first caravan was led by a foolish merchant, the second by a wise one.
The foolish merchant, eager to move quickly, led his people forward first. Along the way, he encountered a demon disguised as a kind traveler. This demon, appearing soaked with rain and adorned with lotus garlands, claimed there was abundant water ahead.
“No need to carry all that heavy water,” the demon said. “The road ahead is full of lakes and pools. Just throw away your burden and travel light.”
The foolish merchant, trusting too easily, ordered his people to smash their water pots, to discard what little they had.
But there was no water.
When night fell, the demons returned—not disguised this time, but in their true, monstrous forms. The caravan, weak and without resources, was slaughtered. Their bones were left scattered in the sand.
Some time later, the wise merchant arrived at the same place. Again, the demon appeared, soaked in illusion, offering the same tempting lie.
But the wise merchant did not throw away his water.
Instead, he asked:
• Have we ever heard of a lake in this desert?
• Can any of us see rain clouds in the sky?
• Can any of us feel the cool wind of a storm?
When his people answered “No,” he knew. The demon had lied. They kept their water. They kept their supplies. They pressed on, and when they reached the remains of the first caravan, they knew they had been right.
They survived because they did not throw away what was essential, even when others told them to.
The Buddha looked at the merchants before him and made the meaning clear:
“Long ago, those who relied on mere opinions perished in the desert, while those who held to the truth reached safety. And so it is now. The Dharma is the water that sustains life. Do not throw it away for the sake of easy comforts or pleasing lies. Those who hold to wisdom will find the path. Those who let it go will be lost.”
He ended with a verse:
“Some speak words no one can deny.
Mere logicians reject them.
The wise gno what is real
And hold fast to the truth.”
The merchants understood. Their faith was no longer shallow. They would not let it slip again.
And the Buddha revealed that in that past life, he had been the wise merchant, guiding beings across the wilderness, as he was doing now.
Why This Matters Now
This is not just an old story. It is the story of right now, right here, too.
People are throwing away their wisdom, believing illusions, trusting those who appear with false kindness but lead them into suffering. The internet is full of these “demons” in disguise—voices that tell beings to abandon ethics, to cast aside discernment, to move ‘beyond’ the Dharma, to “kill the Buddha” (misunderstanding Linji) in favor of easy slogans and comforting falsehoods.
But we do not throw away the water.
We do not discard the refuge in the Three Jewels.
We hold to the truth, not as dogma, not as blind faith, but as the clear seeing of how things are. We recognize deception when it appears. We keep our supplies. We survive the desert, and we help others make it through.
Buddhism was always “engaged,” and these old teachings can help make that clear.
This is why wisdom and love are never separate.
The Buddha was the wise merchant.
In that lifetime, he was living the bodhisattva path! saw through the lies. Now we must do the same.