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Higher Dimensions

Question: When we referred to higher dimension what exactly it is? from the evolutionary point of view, human beings are the most sophisticated species, what is exactly after that?

Answer: Don’t think humans are the most sophisticated being on this planet. In your experience of life, do you find all human beings at the same level of evolution? In a day from the moment you come awake till the moment fall sleep how many moments, how many actions, how many thoughts and how many emotions or what percentage of it do you conduct consciously. This will determine the state of your evolution right now. If you conduct them consciously you will do them in a certain way and others will think you’re special. But if you’re going about compulsively you will look like any other creature.

Only when you conduct it consciously you seem to be on the peak of evolution on this planet, not otherwise.

So, from the moment you come awake till the time you go asleep, how much percentage of time are you conducting your body, your mind, your emotions, your energy and your actions consciously?

If you’re less than one percent, you know there’s a lot of work to do and more than ninety percent of the people are below that one percent. - Sadhguru

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