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Healing Breath

By Jose N Garcia, Vedic Astrologer

Constantly observing our breathing both, rhythm and depth is the most important tool for maintaining peace of mind.

He who controls his breathing, controls his mind and vice versa.

Trying to maintain a rhythmic abdominal inhalation and exhalation and every time we notice that our thoughts are disorganized is because they go to the memories of the past or to the fears and uncertainties of the future, then return to rhythmic breathing.

Personally, whenever a negative thought or distressing emotion arises or assails me, I exhale. My experience is that this immediately stops the thought or emotion and there will come a time when no more arises.

The same thing happens with pain, when we hit ourselves or have to handle some physical discomfort it is better to exhale than inhale.

When you have insomnia, sit up in bed and exhale completely emptying your lungs, try to hold as long as you can and inhale gently. Repeat the process seven times. You will see how your mind calms down and you can fall asleep easier.

The science of respiration is the key to unlocking many of the mysteries of the human being.

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