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From Less Perfection to Greater Perfection

By Victor M Fontane

Every universal phenomenon is cyclical and therefore the earth in its rotation manifests a cyclical process.  It is rotating but not in the same place since the planet also rotates around the sun, our solar system rotates around our galaxy and the entire galaxy rotates or is moving around the Universe.  Thus, we are never in the same place.  In the same way the evolutionary processes of both the physical and spiritual nature move cyclically not in the same place but in an ascending way.

The goal then for human evolution should be to evolve from a state of less perfection to a state of greater perfection.  However, it does not happen this way or the process is very slow for the sole reason of the human mind or ego.  It is said that the mind evolves the slowest because we have two unique faculties not present in other kingdoms or it behaves only in two ways: memory and imagination.

These are the two faculties that we are suffering, our memory and our imagination.

We suffer things that happened ten years ago so, we’re not suffering life, we’re suffering our own memory. We’re suffering things that may happen the day after tomorrow so, we’re not suffering life but imagination.

Meditation is one way to speed up our mind evolution as in this process neither memory nor imagination is present, just our true self or ultimate expression.

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