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Four Main Processes in Human Life.

By Victor M Fontane

The four main processes in human life are birth, education, aging and death. The first three brings us the opportunity to learn the ultimate life purpose, to practice compassion and oneness, to enter the path of evolution and grow spiritually to create the tendencies that we carry to next life and also to create the conditions to live a fulfilling, peaceful and happy life in this present incarnation.

At the end of our life we should only consider what we achieved in terms of relationships, knowledge, wisdom, positive karmic actions, Love and of course our actions in life that produced damage, pain and suffering to other sentient beings, to the environment which eventually will create problems to even future generations.

Those are the only things we take with us when departing from this physical life to face them again, sometimes the same processes. The rest stays behind, possessions, health or even memories.

When we realize the impermanence of everything and immediately start walking the real and most important path, our spiritual evolution, is the time for the big change and transformation towards our highest human potential and enlightenment. Then, we can help others, starting with our example, to achieve theirs, the rest is just entertainment and leisure.

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