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By Victor M Fontane

We know that we receive energy from the Sun in different forms, but do we really know what we receive? Do we also know that our planet emits into space the same energy that we receive from the Sun? Entropy is one of the most important and yet least understood concepts in physics. It governs everything, from molecular collisions to immense storms, from the “beginning” of the Universe, its evolution to its inevitable end. It is reprehensible to life and determines the direction of time.

Entropy is in physics a thermodynamic quantity representing the unavailability of a system's thermal energy for conversion into mechanical work, often interpreted as the degree of disorder or randomness in the system.

"the second law of thermodynamics says that entropy always increases with time"

Entropy is a measure of the disorder of a system. Entropy also describes how much energy is not available to do work. The more disordered a system and higher the entropy, the less of a system's energy is available to do work. Although all forms of energy can be used to do work, it is not possible to use the entire available energy for work. Consequently, not all energy transferred by heat can be converted into work, and some of it is lost in the form of waste heat—that is, heat that does not go toward doing work. The unavailability of energy is important in thermodynamics; in fact, the field originated from efforts to convert heat to work, as is done by engines.

The law of entropy is applicable to the human system and draws its support from various scientific fields. The deterioration process described by this law is combated by a program of continual personal development and control techniques used in configuration management. Affects all aspects of our daily lives. In fact, you can think of it as nature's tax. Left unchecked disorder increases over time. Energy disperses, and systems dissolve into chaos. The more disordered something is, the more entropic we consider it.

Our brains, just like any other system, are hurdling towards the end. Consciousness, these scientists argue, is a byproduct of that process. Our brain, just like any other system, is subject to entropy.

Ice melting, salt or sugar dissolving, making popcorn, and boiling water for tea are processed with increasing entropy in your kitchen.

It is presumed that entropy generated for the metabolic part of the body determines the life span of BS since they produce ATP which enables the body to perform life sustaining functions and the metabolic mass of the body is proportional to body total mass.

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