By Victor M Fontane
In the Universe everything is energy at different levels of manifestation, bright energy and dark energy, free energy, packaged energy, such as air and more dense like human body, objects, etc. In its fundamental states, the solid, gaseous, liquid and plasmatic matter is a manifestation of energy, it is also classified between luminous matter and dark matter.
But matter also has the capability of transfer and interchange its properties to one another. Also is important to understand how when we buy or receive as a gift any object charged with positive or negative energy, especially if its being used before, an antique, etc. We can verify the kind of energy impregnated in the object using different methods.
First, watching how we feel touching it, some weird energy in the heart, nervous, etc. The study of psychometry or how energy is transferred from one object to another and get trapped in the recipient shows how can he get affected. Therefore, feelings and mental energy can be transferred to other person through any object.
Our energy system allows us to receive energy from other objects or people through the left hand and we can transfer our energy and affect others through the right hand.
Second we can verify the energy in objects using incense. Having incense under the object you can see if the smoke wrap or surrounds the object is because it has positive energy but if the smoke evades or moves away from the object is because it has negative energy.
The object can be purified using incense and also chanting the mantra “Om Ah Hum”