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By Victor M Fontane

Ancient spiritual traditions mention that Love and Fear are the two root emotions in human mind and that Love is our true nature but Fear is learned. Breaking down Love we can mention happiness, peace, harmony, inclusion, joy, gratitude, serenity, interest, hope, among others and breaking down Fear we can mention anger, disgust, sadness, rage, loneliness, melancholy and annoyance among others. Also, being Love our true nature, Fear is a construct of the mind.

So, it’s always our choice to live in Love or to live in Fear, love advance our spiritual evolution (Sattva) but Fear stops or delays our spiritual evolution (Tamas and Rajas). The consequences are either we evolve spiritually and achieve our highest potential and perfection or we stay in the cycle of death and reborn (wheel of Samsara) going through the same karmic experiences.

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