By Victor M Fontane
After his enlightenment and discovering the ultimate reality, Lord Buddha started teaching his disciples the Four Noble Truth and the Tripitaka (three baskets) of wisdom.
What is Dharma in Buddhism
In Buddhist literature, dharma often refers to Buddhist teaching and practice in general. In this sense, dharma is used by Buddhists to encompass everything that was taught by the Buddha (or more precisely what a given tradition believes was spoken by him).
In Hinduism means an individual's duty fulfilled by observance of custom or law. Hinduism and Buddhism. : the basic principles of cosmic or individual existence : divine law.
An ancient sage Manu or Seer prescribes 10 important rules for the observance of Dharma. They are patience, self-control, reason, forgiveness, sanctity, honesty, truthfulness, knowledge of learning, control of senses, and an absence of anger.
So the four types of dharma are:
Born with a gift:
Shaped By Situation:
Shaped By Personal Needs:
Shaped By Other's Needs:
The 4 Seals of Dharma
All Conditioned Things Are Impermanent. Everything that exists in our reality is a conditioned thing. ...
All Contaminated Things Are Suffering. Our own mistaken view of reality is what makes something contaminated. ...
All Phenomena Are Empty Of Self. ...
Only Nirvana Is Bliss.
The Five Precepts
Refrain from taking life. Not killing any living being. ...
Refrain from taking what is not given. Not stealing from anyone.
Refrain from the misuse of the senses. Not having too much sensual pleasure. ...
Refrain from wrong speech.
Refrain from intoxicants that cloud the mind.
5 Stages of Dharma Discovery
Stage 1: Self-Awareness.
Stage 2: Self-Improvement.
Stage 3: Awakening.
Stage 4: Higher Consciousness.
Stage 5: Stepping Into Your Dharma.
What is the difference between karma and dharma?
Karma is often used interchangeably with Dharma, but there is a difference between the two. Karma results from our past and present actions and those we will perform, while Dharma is righteousness, a moral code of living. Dharma can also mean religion or belief system.
The sources of Dharma
The sources of dharma according to Gautama Dharmasutra are three: the Vedas, the Smriti (tradition), acāra (the practice) of those who know the Veda. These three sources are also found in later Dharmashastra literature.
How do I fulfill my dharma?
Offer up your actions
Whatever you want to do, whatever you like to do is called karma. If you do it in a selfless manner then you turn it into dharma. That means you are going to offer your life: your skills, your talents, your personality, your time. You offer it up to God or to humanity.