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By Victor M Fontane

Sentients beings invade, conquer, enslave, exterminate, subjugate, impregnate and govern, simply because they don't know what this place is, this existence, this Matrix, this Samsara. They fear what realities are capable of doing to them.

Sentience beings lock-on like black holes to pieces of lands they stole from someone else, put stickers on these lands, and tell everybody else where to go, what to do and most importantly what were rights and what were wrongs, simply because they don't know where they really are.

Compassions arise when we reflect on the right view. 

What else will sentients beings perform when they don’t know where they are?

They theorize, they believe, control, force others to believe, face dissatisfactions of reality, lash out, hate themselves, kick & scream, go mad, demand deaths, destructions and resets, show their emotional ignorances, give away their positions, fail the most basic of psychology, break down, rise back up, fall again, forever solving problems the Mind created.

In suffering, the writer often compare himself to a printer that never questions its PRINT commands. It simply prints without asking or knowing what it is printing. 

To help the Mind, interpret reality, precepts (Sila), meditation (Samadhi), mindfulness (Sati) and wisdom (Pañña) are the keys.

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