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Civil Religion

By Victor M Fontane

One of the challenges of adulthood is dealing constructively with past viral programming. Religious indoctrination is extremely confusing, with hundreds of mixed messages received throughout a lifetime. Many people carry the remnants of childhood programming in their day-to-day adult lives.

Here are some of the believes people are exposed to in their early training.

  • God loves you, but he will send you to hell if you don’t do exactly as he says.

  • God loves you and gave you an intelligent brain to see and understand his creation, but you will be condemned for asking prohibited questions.

  • God loves you and gave you incredibly pleasurable sex, but you dare not use it except within strict limitations.

  • God loves you and your children. If you do anything to lead them astray, he will punish you. (Mark 9:42)

  • Allah loves you and created women as beautiful creatures that you are forbidden to enjoy, except in marriage and behind closed doors.

  • Allah loves you, but you may not see heaven if you don’t obey your husband and get along with his other wives.

  • God loves you and wants you to prosper. If you are poor or hungry, you must be doing something wrong in his eyes.

  • God loves you; he causes you pain, grief, disasters, floods, hurricanes, and much more so you will see his will, repent and do as you are commanded.

  • God loves you, he created Satan to tempt and test you.

  • God loves you. That is why he makes it so hard to resist temptation and stay on the straight and narrow.

  • God loves you. Her loves all Christians. He hates Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus and all those who deny him.

  • God loves you, so you should reject your parents, children, neighbors, relatives or anyone who is a hopeless non-believer. (“If any man comes to me, and hate not his father, and his mother, and his wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.”-Luke 14:26)

  • God loves you, but if you get divorced, you are unclean. (Matt 5:31-32)

And that is the civil religion.

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