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Christian Faith

By Victor M Fontane

Jean Meslier was a Catholic priest who was born in 1678 and served as such for thirty years at Etrepigny in Champagne, France. After giving up his faith he wrote a book that was published after his death entitled "Superstition in All Ages". The work is a refutation of the theological foundations that support the Catholic and Christian faith in general.

As promised I will share the definition given in his book of what is theology:

“There is a science which has for its object only incomprehensible things. Unlike all others, it occupies itself but with things unseen. Hobbes calls it "the kingdom of darkness." In this land all obey laws opposed to those, which men acknowledge in the world they inhabit. In this marvelous region light is but darkness, evidence becomes doubtful or false, the impossible becomes credible, reason is an unfaithful guide, and common sense changed into delirium. This science is named Theology, and this Theology is a continual insult to human reason”.

“By frequent repetition of if, but, and perhaps, we succeed in forming an imperfect and broken system which perplexes men's minds to the extent of making them forget the clearest notions, and to render uncertain the most palpable truths. By the aid of this systematic nonsense, all nature has become an inexplicable enigma for man; the visible world has disappeared to give place to invisible regions; reason is obliged to give place to imagination, which can lead us only to the land of chimeras which she herself has invented”.

If you read carefully the New Testament, assuming that it was spoken by Jesus, which there is more evidence that was not the case, we see that the principles upon which Christianity was founded were formulated in councils held long after the disappearance of Jesus the Christ.

The dogma of the Immaculate Conception and the Virgin Birth are some examples. Jesus did not speak of his birth or conception but dedicated his life to show a way of service, righteousness, love and forgiveness. All the rest are inventions of theologians who were putting together a body of teachings based on other cultures and a failed interpretation of the Old Testament which in turn was a mixture of mythical stories taken from Egyptian, Chaldean and Vedic traditions incorporated by peoples of the Middle East. Very few of the books of the Old Testament are historical accounts but they make us believe that they are. But when this has been taught with the sword and torture you believe because you believe!

The false Christianity that is taught today from pulpits and mega churches is collapsing like a house of cards. Every day more ministers and priests are realizing that they have been teaching false doctrine tailored for the benefit of their own institutions. The Age of Truth has come and with it we’re ripping the veil to see the truth and that's why every day appear more and more TV documentaries questioning the principles with which we have been deceived and enslaved for centuries.

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