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Can humans reincarnate into an animal?

By Victor M Fontane

The human constitution is made up of four bodies:

1. Physical body, the densest.

2. Astral body.

3. Body of passions.

4. Lower mental body.

All these bodies are composed of atoms and these, in the universe, are alive and conscious. In other words, there is no inert or inanimate matter in the universe but in different states of manifestation and density, nothing dies or is destroyed, it only transforms.

Thus, when a human being leaves his physical body or transmigrates, the atoms that compose him are disintegrated and distributed in nature to take other forms, but his incarnate seed or his true essence passes to the higher, astral, and causal planes to re-incarnate. again guided by his karma. The atoms that made up his physical, astral, emotional and lower mental body will then regroup again to form the new body in the future.

Then, ancient teachings explain that this seed will receive atoms that were previously its own and that probably passed through lower realms, bringing with them the experiences collected in them.

Thus, that incarnating seed will not incarnate in lower kingdoms, mineral, vegetable or animal, but its atoms will, forming eventually the new body in its next incarnation.

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