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Book of Hierarchy-Agni Yoga

By Victor M Fontane

How to transmute the most bitter into the most sweet? Naught save Hierarchy will transform life into a higher consciousness.

It is impossible to imagine a bridge into the Infinite, because a bridge is in need of abutments. But Hierarchy, like the abutments of a bridge, brings one to the shore of Light. And imagine the entire effulgence that the eyes behold! And understand the Song of Light.

Let us labor for Light and Hierarchy!


1. So much has been said about doctrines; yet humanity does not know how to accept the doctrine of the Brotherhood. How many distortions have been accumulated about the Truth! How many principles have been destroyed! They will ask, “On what is the Stronghold of the Brotherhood built?” Answer, “On the doctrine of the heart, the doctrine of labor, the doctrine of beauty, the doctrine of evolution, the doctrine of tension—the most vital doctrine.”

We are Votaries of the Infinite. Where the all-encompassing striving cannot penetrate, the Brothers of Humanity do not affirm their manifestation. We suffuse space with the flux of evolution. The Brothers of Humanity willingly renounce Paranirvana for the affirmation of human evolution, in their desire to lay the foundation for a better step. The goal is not divested of labor. The goal is not divested of sacrifice. Thus, point out the closeness of the manifestation of Maitreya.

According to the prophecy of the most ancient Teachers, when humanity loses the foundation of the Teaching and sinks into obscurity, the Epoch of Maitreya will take place.

Our pillars of the foundation are sent to regenerate the spirit-understanding. Thus say to those who do not understand, thus point out the doctrine of the Heart!

2. When We pointed out the urgency of regenerating Our Decrees concerning the equilibrium of the Origins, humanity did not accept this assertion and inaugurated transgression. Thus, one side transgressed against the cosmic balance.

We know the tread of the Mother of the World. We know the manifestation of the Mother of the World. We intensify the complete flow of the Magnet to restore the doctrine of the Heart.

I designate the Tara as the symbol of the assertion of Our Decree. Yes, yes, yes! The Tara and the Arhat bring to humanity a Covenant of utmost striving. Thus is the future built. Thus We affirm Our striving. Wondrous is the future!

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