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Bhagavad Gita Explained

By Victor M Fontane

  1. Who am I? - Jñāna Yoga (Doctrine of the Atman, the Self): The Path of Knowledge. The ultimate reality and all that exists is Brahma (God) so, I am also Brahma, pure consciousness. Knowing ourselves, we know Brahma and also the ultimate reality of all that exists.“ That Thou Art”, in Sanskrit, “Tat Twam Asi” is an expression found in the teachings of non duality. “When I search for God I found myself, when I search for myself I found God”. - Rumi.

  2. What do I do with this life? - Karma Yoga: Krishna said: “you don’t have to do anything new but to have a new attitude to what you are doing”. Only find the way to spiritualize your daily life.

  3. How will be like to be enlighten? - Mind stabilized forever, Sat Chit Ananda: Existence, , consciousness, bliss.

Shree Krishna (the Tenth Avatar), to answer Arjuna’s questions, describes self-realized sages of steady wisdom as:

1) Vīta rāga—they give up craving for pleasure. The essence of the Gita is renunciation.

2) Vīta bhaya—they remain free from fear.

3) Vīta krodha—they are devoid of anger. An enlightened person does not allow the mind to harbor the material frailties of lust, anger, greed, envy, etc. Similarly, if the mind craves external pleasures, it runs to the objects of enjoyment, and is again diverted from divine contemplation. So an enlightened person is one who does not allow the mind to hanker for pleasure or lament for miseries. Further, such a saint does not permit the mind to succumb to the urges of fear and anger. In this way, the mind becomes situated on the transcendental level. Shree Krishna further states that one who remains unattached under all conditions, and is neither delighted by good fortune nor dejected by tribulation, he is a sage with perfect knowledge.

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