As Awakening arises we encounter
the opposition - those resistances
to Awareness and Compassion,
Benevolence and Responsibility,
lying within ourselves and others.
We all have attachments based
upon narcissism and egocentrism.
Our territorial and possessive
tendencies are instinctive,
unconscious and powerful.
Our pettiness and meanness,
along with our tribal biases,
are a toxic global miasma.
And deception, exploitation
and coercion militate against
any humane culture.
Why would we expect different?
As the Light rises in the world,
of course we confront our shadow.
The endemic trauma of our species
is the birth pangs of a planetary
crisis of change.
The good news is this -
Consciousness is protective
as well as transformative.
If we know how it works
then we start to break free.
Agni Yoga