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By Victor M Fontane

The concept of Avatar is one in common use in our part of the world, the West, but very little understood. Avatar is a Sanskrit word meaning “the one who descent” and is mentioned in the holy books of India called Vedas. To understand the concept we must define its origin and creation according to the Vedas. The Bhagavad Gita expounds the doctrine of Avatara and the relationship with Vishnu.

All Avatars that have manifested on our planet after creation are manifestations of Vishnu. Vishnu is the deity or second manifested quality of the Divinity. When a system or planet is going to be manifested through the universal cyclic processes, the first Deity or quality is manifested, Bramha, the creator who uses the cosmic matter to create the system and manifest it (Manuantara). Then the second Deity or quality, Vishnu, manifests, the holder and maintainer of creation and finally when creation reaches its maximum evolutionary level, the third Deity or quality is manifested, Shiva who transforms and destroys so that all matter rests again(Pralaya).

So, all Avatars are manifestation of Vishnu in different ways and are manifested in time of chaos when the spiritual evolution is endangered and the spiritual teachings decline. So, Avatar is a descent of a type of energy or consciousness and there are three different types of Avatars:

  1. When the Avatar or consciousness is capable of densifying or forming artificially a physical body and appears in the planet.

  2. When the Avatar consciousness descend over a person (possession). In the ancient christian schools (Arians) is said that “The Christ descended and blend with Jesus personality in his baptism”.

  3. When the Avatar is born on a woman like Jesus, Rama, Krishna and Buddha.

The Hindu Vedas mention ten Avatars or manifestations of Vishnu up the the time of Krishna or the tenth Avatar but the Buddha, Christ and Kalki (next Avatar coming at the end of this Kali Yuga) are included:

  • Vamana

  • Narasimha

  • Varaha

  • Kurma

  • Matcha

  • Parasurama

  • Rama

  • Krishna

  • Buddha

  • Christ

  • Kalki

More details in an upcoming video.

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