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Are Good and Evil Real?

By Victor M Fontane

The concepts of good and evil are relative and a construct of our mind to describe what is according to our beliefs, what we like or dislike and what agrees or disagrees with what others have taught us. Also, it is a cultural issue about what is generally acceptable or not as it varies between the cultures of the planet and we pass judgment on all our personal and collective experiences and the moral issues established largely by institutional religions. For example, it's evil to kill but we send human beings to war and they kill each other, etc. Under the excuse of good and evil, the greatest atrocities and abuses in history have been committed.

In the ancient wisdom, Vedic teachings, Buddhist teachings and others there is no concept of good and evil but positive and negative actions. All positive actions place us on the path of spiritual evolution, the processes, teachings and practices that allow us to lead a life of peace, harmony and finally through achieving perfection or enlightenment reach the maximum human potential.

On the contrary, all negative actions do not allow us to enter the path of spiritual evolution, processes, teachings and practices that allow us to lead a life of peace, harmony and finally achieve perfection or enlightenment.

So, these positive actions creates the necessary positive karma to live a joyful and happy life and achieve nirvana. There is not reward or punishment by a superior being for complying or not the rules imposed but our personal effort and work to achieve our maximum human potential.

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