In Buddhism, an Arahant (Arhat) is one who has gained insight into the true nature of existence and has achieved Nirvana and has been liberated from the endless cycle of rebirth. The understanding of the concept has changed over the centuries, and varies between different schools of Buddhism and different regions. We are born in this life, and every life, to seek the Dhammakaya of an Arahant. External wealth is just a tool, an instrument for cultivating merit. It is not something to be attached to, to cling to, to fight over, or to hold onto tightly. Instead, wealth should be used as a bridge, a tool that helps us reach the Dhammakaya of an Arahant.
If we have not yet reached the Dhammakaya of an Arahant, it is because we are still attached to external wealth. This attachment keeps us trapped in the cycle of birth and death, as it pulls us back into the three realms of existence.