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An Introduction to the Trans-Himalayan Teachings: Part three

By Victor M Fontane

The Purpose of the Three Phases

In one of the books published as a result of this recent collaboration between the Djwhal Khul and Bruce Lyon, Occult Cosmology, they review the Trans- Himalayan tradition until the present day in each of its phases, and suggests that each can be understood to play a particular role in the awakening of those who work with them.

The first phase, which expressed itself in the Theosophical movement, is described as orienting the individual to the spiritual realities, and this can be clearly seen to be the case with the work of the early and present day Theosophists.

The second phase is described as providing a body of teaching that allows the individual to learn to participate in the evolution of consciousness and the working out of the sacred process that is occurring on Earth. This can be seen in the incredibly detailed picture of the evolving soul, planetary and solar ecologies within which we find our place given in these teachings, and the methods whereby we can enter into relationship with that process.

The keynote of the third phase is described as incorporating a set of teachings whose power may allow the full liberation of the individual, so that they may begin to consciously work with and transmit the creativity, love, wisdom and divine Will of Reality, in enlightened relationship with beings of all kingdoms, both pre- and post-human, from and through multiple planes of cosmos.

Djwhal Khul lets us know to erect no barriers of separation between the three phases. He notes that souls with varying dharmas will be attracted to work with one, two or all three phases, as is their calling.

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