By Victor M Fontane
All spiritual traditions are custodians of a transmission. Essentially, that transmission embodies an assertion as to the wonder, goodness, and power of Reality. The Trans-Himalayan tradition is no exception. Over the course of its near 150 year history, it has played a significant role in awakening humanity to the wonder of the living, sentient universe of which it is a part; to the birthing of a world spirituality that is able to truly honor all paths; to the multidimensional nature of cosmos; the cosmic Purpose at the heart of the Earth; and to the Reality of the One Life.
The tradition is understood by many to have three primary phases of expression, the last of which is emergent, and yet to fully express. The Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul, in his work with Alice Bailey described this unfolding of the tradition over time in most detail,[i] though Helena Blavatsky also hinted in her greatest work, The Secret Doctrine, that there would be a continuity to the release of the teachings.
Hierarchy: The Community of Earth’s Awakened Beings
The three phases are understood to embody a continually unfolding revelation concerning the deepest mysteries of Reality, cosmos, the earth and humanity. They have been transmitted to humanity by a community of enlightened and liberated saints, sages, and bodhisattvas, described in the teachings as “the Hierarchy” or just “Hierarchy”, dwelling principally in the Himalayas, and who are understood to represent one branch of an ageless planetary community of wisdom and awakening. This community of awakened beings is understood to have existed upon Earth as long as humanity has existed here and even before, and to have preserved the wisdom concerning the True Nature of Reality, the multidimensional nature of the cosmos, the mysteries of spirit, soul and matter, the path of initiation, and the cosmic purpose of the Earth.
While the beings who have transmitted the core of the Trans- Himalayan cannon are understood to based in the Himalayas, branches of this planetary community exist, and have existed, all over the world, from not just the Himalayas, but other places of power such as those in Central and South America, Southern India, Ancient Egypt, China, Europe, Africa and Australia. Those who participate in this community are understood to be beings who awakened through the gates of all traditions and none in ages past, and who collectively form a planetary community of enlightened beings, working principally from the subtle soul planes so as to empower and guide planetary awakening and evolution.
The existence of enlightened beings operating on the soul planes who together form Hierarchy, who choose to remain within the aura of the Earth to stimulate and empower planetary awakening and evolution, is described in all the traditions, and in the experience of more and more human beings and groups. This is the ‘Rijjall ul Ghaib’, or the ‘invisible world government’ of the Sufis; the Ancestors of the Shamanic and Earth-centred traditions; the Gyanganj or Siddhashrama of the Hindus; “the spirits of just men made perfect” of the Bible (Hebrews 12: 22-23); the liberated buddhas and bodhisattvas of the Buddhists; the ‘Tzadikim Nistarim’ or ‘Hidden Righteous Ones’ of mystical Judaism; the ‘Xian’, or Immortals of the Taoist – the Hierarchy of the Trans-Himalayan teachings.
The “Ageless Wisdom” that these beings represent is understood to have been the living seed at the esoteric heart of every global wisdom tradition. It is important to note here that when we are speaking of an utterly different kind of lineage to the often mentally separative and dogmatic religious traditions within humanity. The planetary community we are speaking about here is one participated in by beings who have journeyed so deeply into the Mystery of Reality that they no longer operate through mind and mental forms of knowledge as we know them, but rather through a form of wisdom-insight that flows naturally from direct awakening to Reality once mind has been transcended. In this respect, we honor the distinction made by Djwhal Khul in his most recent set of teachings with Bruce Lyon, between wisdom and knowledge.[iii] Knowledge is something that changes and evolves as the mind of humanity evolves. Wisdom is rooted in insight into the nature of Reality and cosmos as they are revealed in the spaces of becoming deeper than mind. Knowledge evolves. Wisdom is, and always has been.
As such, the teaching found in the Trans-Himalayan transmission can be understood to have two sources. The first is the open release into the world of teachings that have likely been held secret and shared only with the innermost initiates of the global wisdom traditions owing to them being of such an esoteric nature. The existence of teachings that remain secret to those outside the initiated circles of a tradition, and about which those who have been initiated are forbidden to speak of, is very real, even in our modern age in which so much of the Eastern wisdom has become known to the West. Many of the Vajrayana and Hindu esoteric teachings, for instance, are written in what is called “twilight language” (sāṃdhyābhāṣā); a polysemic system of language composed of symbols and images incomprehensible to those not initiated into their meaning. And there are still understood, additionally, to be a vast number of untranslated Tibetan and Chinese Buddhist texts.
The second stream of content composing the Trans-Himalayan teachings could be described as information not rooted in any human tradition as yet, esoteric or exoteric. Rather, these are realizations concerning the nature of cosmic reality, penetrated into by those beings described above whose levels of evolutionary development are so advanced in comparison to our own that it is beyond our capacity to imagine. These cosmic insights exist as the basis of their collective culture of shared wisdom and interrelationship.