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An Era of Darkness

By Victor M Fontane

More than 17,000 years ago ancient teachings explained how evolution of all species including humanity will go to achieve our highest potential. This happens in cycles called Eras or Yuga in Sanskrit. Forecasted in this teachings and many others like the Mayan prophecies this time of our history mark the end of an Era of darkness, Kali Yuga to switch to and era of light and spiritual evolution. Of course because of this change the dark forces and energies are fighting to stop this change clouding the understanding and reasoning of humans. So, there are not bad people but confused to the point of not having the ability of seeing the true nature of reality.

However, the change is inevitable and the new consciousness and vibration will prevail. We just have to be ready to accept new paradigms and different way to do things. COVID-19 is a good example.

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