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Age of Aquarius

By Victor M Fontane

In this new era that is about to begin and according to the ancient doctrines and teachings, an avatar must appear as it is called in the Vedas, Kalki Avatar, in Buddhism Maytreya Buddha and in Christianity, The Christ. To understand the process in detail we must explain what is an Avatar and why he appears on the planet.

According to the Vedic traditions our Universe was created by The Supreme, Brahma, God or the source of everything that exists. It appears in the Universe to create or emanate a system, called Planet, Solar System, Galaxy, etc. as a manifestation of a triad or three different qualities of the same energy. First the energy of creation called Brahma using all cosmic energy and matter to create the system and once created change to the second quality, Vishnu to sustain and maintain the creation for the period of time necessary for the creation to grow to the next stage of evolution and when it reach the pick of that evolution, it changes to the third quality, Shiva to destroy or transform the creation so new creation or emanation is born to maintain the balance of the Universal evolution.

Thus, the sustainer and maintainer of the creation, Vishnu, has been on our planet for millions of years and when the spiritual teachings diminish and corruption and non morality takes over our civilization he appears in the form of Avatar to restore order and spiritual evolution of the species. Thus, Avatar means the one who descends.

That’s why India is called the spiritual school of the planet and Tibet its sanctuary.

We already had eleven Avatars in our planet:

  1. Matsya Avatar

  2. Kurma Avatar

  3. Varaha Avatar

  4. Narasimha Avatar

  5. Vamana Avatar

  6. Parashurama Avatar

  7. Rama Avatar

  8. Balarama Avatar

  9. Krishna Avatar

  10. Buddha Avatar

  11. Joshua (Yeshua in Hebrew) the Christ

  12. Kalki Avatar (last Avatar)

However, while the previous Avatars appeared on our planet in a physical body, in this coming new era or messianic era (Aquarius for us Westerners and Satya Yuga for the Far East) Lord Vishnu will not appears as a physical Avatar but as a change of human consciousness and this avataric force will awaken our divinity in our hearts. In fact there is a document written to describe the preparations and how it is manifesting, when the avataric era started in 1936, that is was maintained hidden to avoid establishment persecution.

This new era will also create the conditions for a new race ( six root race) to appear as a fusion of different races and cultures that are currently moving from all over the world to the Americas and will inhabit a new continent that was part of the disappeared Atlantis that will emerge from the bottom of the Ocean.

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