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About Visualization

By Victor M Fontane

In modern times is very popular between new age and spiritual groups the use of the power of visualization, concept mainly borrowed from the

Far-East traditions.

To understand better this concept and process of creative visualization is important to know the right way and factors involved.

Aspects of Creative Visualization.

In the visualization procedures and affirmations the energy or principle that you want to visualize will be attracted, but also its energy or opposite force. This obeys the law of complementary opposites. So, is important to understand the way it works. When the thought leaves the person mind (Visualization or affirmation), crosses his magnetic field or aura and faces energies or the elemental forces that are responsible for manifesting it. Thus, we’ll attract what we visualize but have to be ready also to deal with it opposite.

The correct way or technique to visualize:

-Establish a list of priorities. -Visualize the goal accomplished, not the process. You cannot put conditions on the universal intelligences that work the process.

-Add the emotional factor. Feel the thrill of achievement.

-Let go of the idea to make it manifest. Don't keep thinking about the visualization. -Have full assurance that it is going to manifest itself, do not doubt.

-Visualizing common good (for you and others) is better.

-Maintain this visualization exercise for seven days repeating the above steps.

-On the eighth day you can move on to another item in your priority list.

-Act according to the visualization.

"There is not a single desire that we have in this life or other lives that does not manifest itself because thought is indestructible." -This process also works with mantrams.

When you get to the point that don't want anything, nature gives everything.

Powers of manifestation of the universal matter, Sakti or Fohad and that are manifested in a yogi.

1. Supreme power (para sakti or prakriti sakti).

2. Power that is generated when one goes from common sensory perception to amplification of the senses and allows the knowledge of everything that exists. (Jnana Sakti)

3. Power of the will added to the power of imagination (Kriya Sakti) used in creative visualization.

4. Power of sound, Mamtrams (Matrika Sakti).

5. Kundalini Sakti.

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