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About Unlocking or Healing Chakras

By Victor M Fontane

Unlocking and healing chakras is a modern concept that using special meditation practices, mantra chanting or music is possible to resolve stress, psychological problems, prosperity, etc. However, none of the ancient Hindu teachings; Vedas, Upanishads, buddhist wisdom, etc. mention these practices to evolve spiritually or achieve the ability to see the ultimate reality of all our experiences.

All is karma, as explained in all ancient spiritual traditions and the only way to eliminate suffering and achieve our highest potential is through practices to clean the karmic seed stored in our chakras, studying and understanding the dharma and meditation to integrate that knowledge in our consciousness.

Religions are been in the planet for centuries and modern teachings brings their own formula but the spiritual situation personal and collectively is worst and human coexistence is more difficult. Is time to try something different and the wisdom is been there for centuries.

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