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About the True Self

Updated: Sep 7, 2021

By Victor M Fontane

Who am I? I’m I my body? Am I my mind, my intellect, my emotions? No, all are objects of awareness. There is the one who is aware, the seer and is aware of objects, the seen. So, everything that we are aware of are just objects of awareness.

Best example is: we can be aware of objects because of light, when light touch objects only then we see them, name them, identify them. In darkness is impossible to see and be aware of them. You see a clock, a microphone and a person but just because there is light, three different things, only one common element which is light that allows us to be aware of them. Although light is also an object, it is beyond them as awareness is beyond the objects of awareness. Similarly, our true self or awareness is beyond the objects that we are aware of, body, mind, physical world and this awareness is one with everything, non-dual. Thus, our true self is the energy that is aware of all objects that we see and are aware of. Awareness is pure consciousness and is not subject to death, rebirth or suffering.

The Advaita Vedanta use a method to determine what humans really are. The simple method is that the real nature of the self is that which is aware and anything that we are aware of is not the real self but an object to the real self. In other words the object of awareness.

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