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About the Human Experience and Spiritual Evolution

Updated: Feb 22, 2023

By Victor M Fontane

Humans are, before coming as a human being to the Physical Realm, spirit, individualized consciousness emanated from the source or God, if you will. We come to the physical world just to grow and evolve spiritually but then die and return to the spiritual realm to be born again, driven by karma or the consequences of our own actions, until we complete our mission of becoming one with that primal consciousness or God again. Unfortunately, that mission is being lost for many and, because our ignorant physical mind we are stuck in this wheel of born and rebirth not advancing in our evolution. This mainly happens, first for the feeling of guilt implanted centuries ago about our imperfection, for being sinners and for being trapped in the desire to satisfy only our appetites for the physical world without making an effort to feed our spirit with what the ancients taught as a guide to travel our spiritual path towards liberation from pain and suffering. There are no more geniuses in our modern world and we have sunk into separation including annihilating each other, debauchery and vulgarity. Most are only aware of what gives them material satisfaction. To avoid the extinction of our race, it is necessary to return to our roots, not to culture or nationalities, since they are only a construct of our primary mind, but to resume our path of spiritual growth.

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