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About the Concept of Avatar

By Victor M Fontane

Avatar is really the name in Hindi, in Sanskrit is Avatara and means the one that descends or that which descends and are four different types of Avatars.

  1. Manuantara Avatara - beings that appears when a new cosmic cycle starts and he is the one who start that cycle.

  2. Yuga Avatara - beings that appear at the beginning of the Yugas mentioned in prior writings and also as well. Four Yugas or Eras where the process of evolution is manifested in our planet, Satya Yuga, Tetra Yuga, Dwapara Yuga and Kali Yuga that all together represent a grater Era or Kalpa.

  3. Shaktyavesha Avatara - beings that appear with an specific mission or task at any stage during the cosmic cycle.

  4. Lila Avatara - A līlā-avatāra is an incarnation of the Lord who performs a variety of activities without making any special endeavor. He manage a plot which in reality is an illusion. Being born, grow, have a human regular life and die as part of the illusion.

Over all, every Avatar is the same being or energy in different modes of manifestation.

Avatara energy modes of manifestation.

  1. Using the physical body of a person.

  2. Manifestaion as an incarnated being.

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