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About Samskaras

Victor M Fontane

There is a concept in ancient spiritual wisdom called Samskaras meaning the tendencies that humans brings from past life. Also, we start a present incarnation where we left it in the last one before dying so, our behavior, choices, believes also are tendencies from our last incarnation and also karma. Negative behavior, selfishness, and non-virtuous preferences are an extension of how we were and positive behavior, virtuous preferences or actions are an extension of how we were in our past life as well. That’s why I don’t believe in geniuses as the manifestation of skills in arts from early age, mental development and any other abnormal manifestations as they are a result of those tendencies from previous life that can be positive for the benefit of all sentient beings or negative against all sentient beings. We are now a result of limitless incarnations driven by karma and carring over these tendencies or “Samskaras” life after life not recognizing what we really are or true self continuously until the day that we discover our Divinity and set ourselves free from “Samsara" (the illusional physical world) and suffering.

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