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About Religions

By Victor M Fontane

Christianity is a religion based from the very beginning and creation on the existence of good and evil, punishment and reward, penance, patriarchal on a great being, mostly human, that create, control, manage the creation at will, with preferences over those who follow his orders, etc. Also, see human life as a beginning and and end of all existence.

On the other hand, Eastern religions or philosophies like Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Confucianism, Chinese Traditional faith, Sikhism, Jainism, etc. define Divinity as the primordial energy, not creative but eminent from where everything comes out to evolve in a circular - spiral form and to where everything returns perfected and sees the processes we call good or evil as what they call the human creation of karma, without punishment or reward. Also, don’t believe in the cessation of the spiritual existence and evolution.

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