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About Relationships

By Jose N Garcia, Vedic Astrologer

When we hear a couple say: "the night is romantic" we must understand that there are no romantic nights but people in love and romantic watching the night.

In the same way there are no beautiful or ugly days, neither good nor bad days.

From this perspective it is that we must understand when in our writings we speak of auspicious or complicated days since with this we only refer to how the prevailing energies can affect our mental states. That being said, everything can be positively transformed.

The problem is that we are looking at reality through our belief systems, that's why the saying: "everything is according to the color of the glass you look through".

Another important phenomenon that our mind produces is the superimposition that is nothing other than the projection that our mind imposes on the objects of knowledge. It is like the example of someone who mistakes a tree for a ghost at night.

The karmic seeds that are the product of past experiences are what project that apparent "reality" but also the basis with which we make judgments.

As our mind is purifying, we stop judging and begin to see things as they really are. One step further is when we can see that everything that exists is of the same Essence and Divine Consciousness then we understand that in reality everything is pure and divine.

In Tibetan Buddhism it is said that where a god sees a stream of crystal clear waters, a demon sees dirt, pollution and filth.

That explains the other popular saying that says: "the thief judges by his condition"

From now on, observe that as our mind is cleansed and our karmic seeds are destroyed, the days and nights will be more beautiful and we will see the beings that approach us with eyes of love and compassion.

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