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About Prophesies

By Victor M Fontane

Vedas about Kalki Avatara (next coming avatar)

Predictions about birth and arrival

In some Vaishnava texts, Kalki is forecasted to appear on a white horse on the day of pralaya to end Kali Yuga, to end the evil and wickedness, and to recreate the world anew along with A New Cycle Of Time (Yuga).

Kalki is prophesied to appear at the end of Kalyug, when Adharma (profane) is rampant, to destroy the devil named Kali. Kali, the great-grandson of Asur Adharm, is believed to be spreading evil in this Kalyug.

The Buddhist prophecy of Maitreya is that the bodhisattva will return to Earth and incarnate as the fifth and final Buddha. After a period of great darkness, humanity's life span will diminish by ten years.

The Fifth Maya Prophecy

A single, common spiritual path will emerge for all humanity which will end the established limits we have set for the different ways of seeing God. The new galactic day is seen in all religions and cults as an era of peace and harmony for all humanity.

As you see, the present era of darkness, Kali Yuga is getting closer to its end to then enter in the era of light or Satya Yuga. Different prophesies coincide in several aspects but do not specify time or dates. Furthermore, the process requires fundamental and profound changes that will not happen until humanity is ready to receive them.

The closer we get in this world to the end of the era of darkness, evil, oppression, inequality, struggle for power and material goods called Kali Yuga, the forces of darkness divide the human race more to try to subsist and prevail. Human values ​​are enslaved and attempts are made to establish the dominance of others by sowing competition instead of cooperation. It happens in religion, politics and social relationships. However, the change towards an era of light, called Satya Yuga in the Vedas of India, is inevitable for the love of neighbor, cooperation and evolution of our human race to be reborn again. We will stop entertaining ourselves in our little human drama to join the universal evolution.

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