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About Mindfulness

By Victor M Fontane

For humans all life experiences are like looking at a book cover but not reading and analyzing the content and even just reading it will create only a memory but no wisdom. Reading, analyzing and understanding the content, is called mindfulness. For humans to fully live and understand life and its meaning requires to tear the veil of appearance in all experiences understanding its karmic reasons, the lesson involved, and how resolving assuming all responsibility free us from the its karmic load. For example, every time we seat to eat, we never ponder how healthy is the food in front of us, how it got there for us, the work and sacrifice of all the people involved in the process and in case of meat the termination of a living being with sacrifice and pain for our enjoyment to thank and bless them.

Every time we face a situation, a person, an emotion, etc. we only stay in the surface and the illusion (the book cover) and never penetrate on the real depth of the experience. Doing so is mindfulness and help us to evolve spiritually and to live a more happy, peaceful and unifying life with everyone and everything.

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