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About Meditation

By Victor M Fontane

Patanjali Yoga Sutras says that Meditation is the cessation of the modifications of the mind. The mind is like a lake. When has waves or is muddy you can’t see the bottom. Only when is calm and crystal clear you are able to see the bottom of the lake. So in our mind, waves and mud represents our thoughts and emotions and the bottom our real self, Brahma, Sat-Chit-Ananda, God. The method to clear the mind is meditation, developing the ability to focus or concentrate the mind in just one thing. Can be your breath, the image and idea of the Divine, God, Brahma or Buddha and then going deeper to realize our divinity.

In our western world meditation and mindfulness are very popular and is used for many purposes like stress management, health, prosperity, etc. Although it really helps the real and main purpose is self realization and enlightenment.

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