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About Love

By Victor M Fontane

Relationships are never easy, any kind: partners, kids, parents, professional and the main reason why is because we learned from others that our happiness depends on people, environment, situations, conditions, possessions, etc. Also, we believe that love is an emotion and one side of the same coin with hate.

All ancient Masters in history and their teachings, including “The Christ”, taught and is described in their real teachings that Love is actually a state of the mind and the most powerful energy in the known Universe.

So, Love is what we are, relationships is what we do. Love is one of the manifestations of the Law of Attraction like electromagnetism, gravity, etc. and doesn’t have anything to do with physical relations.

Relationships are actually the consequence or result of our karma which is also memory, conscious or unconscious and happens as a way for us to work and learn from our life experiences.

When we face unpleasant situations we feel unhappy and angry, etc. but when we face pleasant situations, even with the same person or in same situations then we feel happy and lovely.

Interesting enough is that we are always seeking for material thing, jobs, education, possessions that we believe are going to make us happy and once we get them happiness is gone and we start looking for the next one that will make us happy. That is called existential void.

Then all ancient teachings point to the work on ourselves and our evolution to understand that the energy of Love which is a manifestation of the Divine Love resides inside and when we love and accept ourselves unconditionally we’re manifesting that Divine energy in this physical world. Then and only then we are capable of shearing that Love with everyone and everything. And that Love is the spark that ignite our evolution to achieve the highest potential in this life and perfection.

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