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About Kabbalah

By Victor M Fontane

To those who know the “Tree of Life” the Unmanifest is only out of sight. Just as invisible light makes visible that on which it shines, so do, the names of the three root-veils give indirect evidence in coded messages. Accordingly, the Great Beyond is vibrantly alive like a pregnant women’s womb. As we begin to see the origin of things, we also see the truth in the secret of things.

Above the “Tree of Life”, three veils in the Great Beyond act as filters to safeguard the absolute purity of the three “Tree” roots.

Named No-Thing (Ain in Hebrew), the first veil signifies absolute nothingness. The second veil, called Every-Thing (Ain Soph, in Hebrew), indicates the opposite: limitless, undifferentiated expansion of all things without description in never ending abundance. The third veil, named Radiant Darkness and Limitless Light (Ain Soph Aur, in Hebrew), points to ambivalent, if not altogether opposing, forces that exist side by side… with darkness as the absence of all colors and light as their presence.

Thus we find that polarity exists in the unmanifest veils. There everything evolves out of nothing and in its turn gives birth to some other, and again and again to some other thing that stands in opposition. Duality (the indispensable cosmic polarity) is the golden thread woven through all the branches of the Tree of Life. As one of the distinct Laws of Life, it emphasizes the perennial twin aspects of life which makes our terrestrial existence so complicated, so challenging, so mysterious, and yet so very rewarding.

The Law of Polarity reveals that division is at the beginning of all things. Everything that reaches manifestation is polarized and manifests as “either/or”. It is either active (+) or passive (-), acting or reacting, emitting or receiving, masculine or feminine, electric or magnetic. Fundamentally, in contrast but not in conflict, these opposing qualities do not mingle. Light and shadow manifest together, as in music, sound and pause (silence) are inseparable as counterparts. It is lie two people waltzing; one steps forward as the other steps back.

Sometimes, polarities act as inseparable twins. To release light and heat, electrical currents need both positive and negative poles, and for stability, electrically neutral atoms need an equal measure of positively charged and negatively charged electrons. In perpetual interaction, polarity is the key to understand the ever-switching experiences of human life.

The “other” is always the starting point of an “either” awareness. Like looking at the flip side of a coin, we need to know the negative before we can fully measure the value of the positive. We must experience unhappiness to fully enjoy happiness and suffer sickness to truly cherish good health.

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