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About Intelligence

By Victor M Fontane

Humans has three different types of intelligence, Physical intelligence, Emocional intelligence and Spiritual intelligence.

Physical intelligence is learned from others and acquired through the physical senses logical on the physical experiences, norms and rules stablished by others.

Emotional intelligence is develop based and a psychological experiences. Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify and manage your own emotions and the emotions of others. Emotional intelligence is characterized as an individual's self- awareness, self-confidence, self-control, commitment and integrity, and a person’s ability to communicate, influence, initiate change and accept change (Goleman, 1998). “Emotions are internal events that coordinate many psychological subsystems including physiological response.Spiritual intelligence is carried forward from past lifes and resides in our consciousness and is our true nature. In Buddhism is define as Prajñā (Sanskrit) or paññā (Pāli) Is a Buddhist term often translated as "wisdom", "intelligence", or "understanding". It is described in Buddhist commentaries as the understanding of the true nature of phenomena. In the context of Buddhist meditation, it is the ability to understand the three characteristics of all things: anicca (impermanence), dukkha (dissatisfaction or suffering), and anattā (non-self). Mahāyāna texts describe it as the understanding of śūnyatā (Skt; Eng: emptiness). It is part of the Threefold Training in Buddhism, and is one of the ten pāramīs of Theravada Buddhism and one of the six Mahāyāna pāramitās.

The Upanishads describe intelligence (prajna or vijanana) as the essence of the eternal Self reflected in the body as discernment (buddhi).

Intelligence constitutes the higher mind or the rational mind.

It is the light of the Self.

Intelligence, which is also known as wisdom, is the essence of knowledge you acquire during your life.

Finally is considered as the ability to see and understand the true nature of all experience beyond the appearance.

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