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About Forgiveness

By Victor M Fontane

It is become very popular the concept of forgiveness, family constellations, relationship healing, etc. and some says that the way to heal our relationships and clean our chakras is through forgiveness, resolve our family situations and achieve peace of mind. All is true at some degree but lack the basis where we can build a natural and healthy process that guides us in the way to the ultimate goal of evolving spiritually and achieve our highest potential as humans in this era of change and troubles. Others say that forgiveness is not valid as long as manifest an advantage or a higher position on the one that forgives feeding his ego over the level of humbleness and compassion.

How we relate forgiveness with our chakras will determine how fast we can get liberated from suffering and the born and death cycle. Sincere forgiveness creates an energy wave that can reduce or eliminate the anger in our relationships.

First in Buddhism the believe is that the mind are instantaneous states of manifestation of consciousness and is not mind but minds in plural. What generates our world view is the content of our unconscious mind controlled by our karmic seeds and tendencies (samakaras). So we carry out virtuous actions or non-virtuous actions including neutral actions recorded then in our chakras as karmic seeds. Repentance for non-virtuous actions expressed in a public confession for actions committed against other sentient beings and then internal repentance is also recommended. This is done to record a seed in the unconscious mind and we are also teaching the ego a lesson that if we don't do so, it consolidates and solidifies as well as the false concept of "I" sinking us deeper into his trap creating more pain and suffering and make it more difficult to stop the wheel of birth and death.

So, is important to explain that all that we think, say or do creates karma and the karmic seed will be store in our chakras and we don’t know the countless incarnations where we are being storing karma. It can be positive with virtuous actions or negative with non-virtuous actions and will come back to us in a lifetime or future lives. In that sense the more karmic seed store on the chakras the harder to evolve spiritually and achieve samadhi or enlightenment.

However, to clear our chakras from the karmic seeds forgiveness is not enough, the last step is called reparation. To return Universal balance interrupted by our actions we need to find the way to compensate the suffering and repair the damage done.

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